Ready-To-Use Titration Wine Applications

The sensory attributes of wine are influenced by many factors; both intrinsic, such as grape quality, and extrinsic, such as ageing in casks. They are modulated, amongst others, by acidity, pH, reducing sugars, chloride and sulfur dioxide. These parameters affect the fermentation process, and the development of flavor and aroma. They also play a role in maintaining a healthy wine microbial environment, inhibiting undesirable microorganisms.

For example, used correctly, sulfur dioxide acts not only as an anti-microbial agent, destroying bacteria that may cause unwanted secondary fermentation, it also acts as an antioxidant, preserving the color of the wine. Conversely, too much sulfur dioxide leaves an unpleasant aroma in the wine. Similarly, other parameters, such as pH and acidity, are important in maintaining the balance of flavors, mouthfeel and tartness.

METTLER TOLEDO's long standing expertise in chemical analyses ensures reliable quality control processes of wine production.

Download our brochure and benefit from our ready-to-use application notes for wineries. Developed by experts they encompass:

  • pH and Acidity of Beverages by Equivalence Point Titration
  • Free and Total SO2 in Beverages by Endpoint Titration with a Polarized Redox Sensor
  • Reducing Sugars According to Rebelein (Sample Determination)

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Wine Analysis Made Easy

Ready-To-Use Titration Wine Applications

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