Karl Fischer Titration Guide. Part 2

Mettler-Toledo GmbH

Sample Preparation

Advanced sample preparation procedures. This brochure uses METTLER TOLEDO’s expert knowledge of Karl Fischer titration to explain more advanced sample preparation procedures than the simple sample dissolution in the titration cell.

The Karl Fischer method determines water content specifically and is easily applied to a huge variety of samples. It is a common standard method in R&D, quality control and production monitoring.

However, the method requires adequate sample preparation in order to release entrapped, capillary-bound or water of crystallization. The water molecules need to be ’freely available’ in order to undergo the chemical reaction with the KF reagents.

Release of Water from the Sample
Karl Fischer titration is only possible if the water in the samples is freely available. This is not the case with solids if the water is bound as, e.g.:

  • Entrapped water
  • Water of crystallization (salts)
  • Water of crystallization (salts)
  • Capillary bounded water (e.g. in plants)
Thus, suitable sample preparations and special Karl Fischer methods are necessary to release water in these samples.

This brochure uses METTLER TOLEDO’s expert knowledge of Karl Fischer titration to explain more advanced sample preparation procedures than the simple sample dissolution in the titration cell.

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Karl Fischer Titration Guide. Part 2

Sample Preparation

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Topic world Titration

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