Malvern Panalytical


Orthogonal and Complementary Nanoparticle Characterization Techniques

Malvern Panalytical GmbH

Combining Dynamic Light Scattering with Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis

The Zetasizer Nano dynamic light scattering instrument family and the NanoSight Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis instrument range complement each other perfectly, providing a suite of measurement capabilities useful to many researchers interested in characterizing nanoparticle and bioparticulate systems.

Both instruments measure particle size and zeta potential. The broad particle sizing range of the Zetasizer Nano is complemented by the high resolution single particle sizing of the NanoSight NTA. Routine, industry-standard zeta potential measurements as provided by the Zetasizer Nano are complemented by the high resolution zeta potential measurements of the NanoSight NTA which also allow for simultaneous measurement of particle size.

The Zetasizer APS instrument supplements these measurement parameters with the ability to measure particle size distribution in samples within 96 and 384 well plates, allowing for both routine and automated sample screening. The NIBS technology implemented in the Zetasizer Nano family allows for the measurement of samples across a broad range of sample concentrations, providing flexibility and the capacity to measure samples in an undiluted form.

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Orthogonal and Complementary Nanoparticle Characterization Techniques

Combining Dynamic Light Scattering with Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis

Malvern Panalytical GmbH
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