Chromate in toy migration solution

You may deem the chance slim that mythical monsters are hiding underneath your offspring’s beds. However, danger might be lurking there in the form of toy blocks, action figures, or crayons. Hazardous substances found in everyday items, including toys, pose a particular threat to children. Even low concentrations have the potential to cause significant harm to their small bodies – and since children don't just discover the world through their eyes and hands, but by putting things
in their mouths, too, they are at high risk of ingesting these substances
New directive imposes tighter restrictions National and EU-wide standards stipulate strict limit values for hazardous substances in toys. EU directive 2009/48/EC, also known as the “Toy Safety Directive”, came into force on July 20, 2013, and has imposed tighter restrictions on the migration
limits for some hazardous substances in toys – including the carcinogenic chromium(VI). The migration limit refers to the maximum quantity of a hazardous substance that a
product is permitted to release.
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Chromate in toy migration solution