GWP - The Science Based Global Standard

Science Based Weighing
In the laboratory, weighing is only one step of a whole analysis chain in quality control; however it strongly influences the overall quality and integrity of the final result. In production, weighing is mandatory to achieve batch uniformity and consistency in dispensing or formulation processes. In all industries, accurate weighing is essential to ensure continuous adherence to predefined process requirements and to avoid a frequent source of Out of Specification results (OOS). This paper introduces GWP®, the science-based global standard for efficient lifecycle management of weighing instruments. Based primarily on the user’s weighing requirements and prevailing weighing risks, it provides a state-of-the-art strategy for reducing measurement errors and ensuring accurate weighing results.
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GWP - The Science Based Global Standard
Science Based Weighing
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Topic world Weighing
Precise weighing is critical in laboratory and industrial environments. From accurate dosing of chemicals for research experiments to mass production of products, precise weight determination is often the first and most critical step. Modern balances and weighing instruments are sophisticated, offer impressive precision and are resilient to external influences such as temperature and humidity.

Topic world Weighing
Precise weighing is critical in laboratory and industrial environments. From accurate dosing of chemicals for research experiments to mass production of products, precise weight determination is often the first and most critical step. Modern balances and weighing instruments are sophisticated, offer impressive precision and are resilient to external influences such as temperature and humidity.