Analysis of Lithium Ore

ICP-OES enables powerful analysis of elements in lithium ore
Lithium is one of the most important components of rechargeable, long-life batteries. The growing popularity of electrically powered cars worldwide means at the same time an increasing demand for batteries. Therefore, the supply of lithium must be guaranteed in sufficient quantities.
An important source of lithium are ores such as amblygonite, lepidolite and petalite. To determine the content of lithium as well as the general elemental composition of such ores, ICP-OES is well suited. This report shows that the SPECTRO ARCOS ICP-OES with Dual Side-on interface plasma observation offers a simple, fast, precise, accurate and cost-efficient method for the analysis of elements in lithium ores.
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Analysis of Lithium Ore
ICP-OES enables powerful analysis of elements in lithium ore