Application Note: Automatic Data Transfer to Chromatography Software

From Weighing to Analytical Result
Quantitative HPLC analysis is an important technique used in most quality control and analytical laboratories. Critical decisions about product batches are made based on the results of these analyses, so it is vital that the final analytical results are correct and reliable. To ensure accurate results are obtained at the end of a process, it is important to ensure that the steps at the beginning of the process are carefully executed and recorded correctly.
This application note describes an integrated workflow with an automatic weighing data flow starting with the preparation of samples and standards and ending with chromatographic analysis in the HPLC. The solution delivers efficient and error-free chromatographic workflows (LC or GC) for analytical labs and provides operators with confidence in the generated data.
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Application Note: Automatic Data Transfer to Chromatography Software
From Weighing to Analytical Result