Thermo Fisher Scientific


Fully automated, multi-technique surface analysis system to advance your research

Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH

Fast and efficient coincident XPS+Raman characterization for correlative analysis

The Thermo Scientific Nexsa G2 Surface Analysis System was used to chemically locate and characterize two-dimensional boron nitride (BN) flakes directly grown onto Cu foil using co-incidental XPS+Raman analysis. By using XPS chemical mapping, the location of the flakes was quickly found. XPS spectroscopy could then be used to deliver high-resolution chemical fingerprinting. Using co-incident Raman spectroscopy, the crystal lattice structure of the 2D boron nitrides was determined to be hexagonal.

These measurements show how a user can chemically locate the discrete features using the XPS chemical mapping and investigate the chemical and structural properties using XPS+Raman co-incidental analysis workflow of Nexsa G2 system.

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Fully automated, multi-technique surface analysis system to advance your research

Fast and efficient coincident XPS+Raman characterization for correlative analysis

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Topic World Spectroscopy

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