Topic world Extraction

Extraction is a fundamental process in the chemical laboratory that enables specific components to be isolated and concentrated from a mixture. Whether it's extracting active ingredients from natural products, removing impurities from synthesis products, or preparing analytical samples, extraction is a key step in achieving precise and efficient results in chemical research and analysis.

Extraction products and catalogs

Extraction products

Automated and Done in 5 Minutes - That's How Solvent Extraction Works These Days Automated and Done in 5 Minutes - That's How Solvent Extraction Works These Days

Wow! Solvent extraction of up to 12 samples in just 5 minutes

Save time and solvent with this space-saving extraction system
Extraction of up to 12 samples. This allows different samples to be quickly extracted in just 5 minutes. The EDGE Extraction System from CEM is a sequential system for the fast automated solvent.
extraction systems
Everything under Control - with This Intelligent Microwave Digestion System Everything under Control - with This Intelligent Microwave Digestion System

Everything under Control - with This Intelligent Microwave Digestion System

microwave digestion systems
Request a glass microfiber sample pack to meet your battery development needs Request a glass microfiber sample pack to meet your battery development needs

Request a glass microfiber sample pack to meet your battery development needs

filter materials
Simple, safe and flexible microwave sample preparation of environmental and food samples Simple, safe and flexible microwave sample preparation of environmental and food samples

Microwave sample preparation: Fast and safe

sample preparation systems
World launch at analytica: Revolutionary sample prep with the world's first EME device World launch at analytica: Revolutionary sample prep with the world's first EME device

World launch at analytica: Revolutionary sample prep with the world's first EME device

extraction systems
The reaction vessel that adapts to your process – choose between off-the-shelf and custom-made. The reaction vessel that adapts to your process – choose between off-the-shelf and custom-made.

Customized stainless steel reactors - configured for your needs

Streamlining the process of mycotoxin analysis Streamlining the process of mycotoxin analysis

Streamlining the process of mycotoxin analysis

sample preparation systems
8-Channel Accelerated SPE System 8-Channel Accelerated SPE System

New SPE system with 8 channels: Ultimate efficiency in solid phase extraction

extraction systems
Automated sample preparation - just-in-time - connected to LC/MS, GC/MS or offline Automated sample preparation - just-in-time - connected to LC/MS, GC/MS or offline

Efficiency booster for LC/MS and GC/MS through automated sample preparation

automated sample preparation systems
Time savings in solvent extractions with microwave laboratory systems Time savings in solvent extractions with microwave laboratory systems

Time savings in solvent extractions with microwave laboratory systems

extraction systems
Microwave Digestion System ETHOS.start Microwave Digestion System ETHOS.start

200 °C in 15 min, and cooled down again even faster – that’s state-of-the-art microwave digestion

microwave digestion systems
Not only can you conveniently measure the temperature of each sample, but the vessels also open and close automatically, which is gentle on your wrist. Not only can you conveniently measure the temperature of each sample, but the vessels also open and close automatically, which is gentle on your wrist.

Full control of microwave digestions from 30 to 310 °C makes overheated samples a thing of the past

microwave digestion systems
Better analytics through better digestions Better analytics through better digestions

Laboratory innovation: TurboWAVE-20 for fast and silent sample digestion

microwave digestion systems
Discover the versatile glass reactors - the perfect solution for your chemical processes Discover the versatile glass reactors - the perfect solution for your chemical processes

Discover the versatile glass reactors - the perfect solution for your chemical processes

glass reactors
Versatility and precision in stirring, extracting, homogenizing with the MidiPilot glass reactor Versatility and precision in stirring, extracting, homogenizing with the MidiPilot glass reactor

Versatility and precision in stirring, extracting, homogenizing with the MidiPilot glass reactor

glass reactors
Automatic Fibre Extraction for Feed Analysis Automatic Fibre Extraction for Feed Analysis

Automatic Fibre Extraction for Feed Analysis

fibre analyzers
Solid-liquid extraction in less than 2 hours Solid-liquid extraction in less than 2 hours

Solid-liquid extraction in less than 2 hours

Automatic hot solvent extractor for extractable matter determination on a wide range of samples Automatic hot solvent extractor for extractable matter determination on a wide range of samples

Automatic hot solvent extractor for extractable matter determination on a wide range of samples

extraction systems
Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) – Maximize results and reduce errors in food analysis! Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) – Maximize results and reduce errors in food analysis!

Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) – Maximize results and reduce errors in food analysis!

extraction systems
The user-friendliest microwave for digestion: Next-level convenience and ease of use The user-friendliest microwave for digestion: Next-level convenience and ease of use

The user-friendliest microwave for digestion: Next-level convenience and ease of use

microwave digestion systems

Extraction catalogs

Extraction brochures

Extraction news
