Topic world Digestion

Sample digestion is a critical step in chemical analysis that often determines the success or failure of an investigation. It involves the targeted transformation and preparation of a sample to make the components of interest accessible for analysis. Various methods such as thermal, chemical or enzymatic digestion are used to dissolve matrix components, remove unwanted components and release target substances.

Digestion products and catalogs

Digestion products

Everything under Control - with This Intelligent Microwave Digestion System Everything under Control - with This Intelligent Microwave Digestion System

Everything under Control - with This Intelligent Microwave Digestion System

High Sample Throughput with Just One Click
Totally redesigned with an impressive list of features and capabilities, MARS 6 was developed to make microwave sample preparation virtually effortless
microwave digestion systems
Phönix Microwave Muffle Furnace Phönix Microwave Muffle Furnace

Highly efficient ashing with Phoenix Black muffle furnace

muffle furnaces
The reaction vessel that adapts to your process – choose between off-the-shelf and custom-made. The reaction vessel that adapts to your process – choose between off-the-shelf and custom-made.

Customized stainless steel reactors - configured for your needs

new Microwave Digestion System
BLADE new Microwave Digestion System

Lightning-fast microwave digestion in 5 minutes

microwave digestion systems
Simple, safe and flexible microwave sample preparation of environmental and food samples Simple, safe and flexible microwave sample preparation of environmental and food samples

Microwave sample preparation: Fast and safe

sample preparation systems
Automated digestion for determination of sulphur dioxide (SO2) Automated digestion for determination of sulphur dioxide (SO2)

Automated SO2 determination - this is how it works

digestion systems
Innovative top-loader microwave offers ease of use, safety and low operating costs Innovative top-loader microwave offers ease of use, safety and low operating costs

Microwave digestion with top-loader system for ease of use

microwave digestion systems
Metal-free Acid Purification System for Laboratories Metal-free Acid Purification System for Laboratories

Metal-free Acid Purification System for Laboratories

acid purification devices
Sample preparation with the SNRG digestion block: precise temperature control & flexible adjustment Sample preparation with the SNRG digestion block: precise temperature control & flexible adjustment

Precision and flexibility in sample digestion

digestion systems
Time savings in solvent extractions with microwave laboratory systems Time savings in solvent extractions with microwave laboratory systems

Time savings in solvent extractions with microwave laboratory systems

extraction systems
Microwave Digestion System ETHOS.start Microwave Digestion System ETHOS.start

200 °C in 15 min, and cooled down again even faster – that’s state-of-the-art microwave digestion

microwave digestion systems
Not only can you conveniently measure the temperature of each sample, but the vessels also open and close automatically, which is gentle on your wrist. Not only can you conveniently measure the temperature of each sample, but the vessels also open and close automatically, which is gentle on your wrist.

Full control of microwave digestions from 30 to 310 °C makes overheated samples a thing of the past

microwave digestion systems
Better analytics through better digestions Better analytics through better digestions

Laboratory innovation: TurboWAVE-20 for fast and silent sample digestion

microwave digestion systems

Automatic Steam Distillation for Kjeldahl Analysis

Kjeldahl analyzer systems
Saves space and money: The most economic microwave digestion system in the world Saves space and money: The most economic microwave digestion system in the world

Space-saving microwave sample digestion for elemental analysis

microwave digestion systems
With a footprint of only 50 x 80 cm, the Multiwave 7000 high-pressure microwave digestion system is the most compact of its kind on the market. With a footprint of only 50 x 80 cm, the Multiwave 7000 high-pressure microwave digestion system is the most compact of its kind on the market.

Digestion in a single run - without method development

Speed up your sample preparation with the powerful fusion unit - Discover now Speed up your sample preparation with the powerful fusion unit - Discover now

Speed up your sample preparation with the powerful fusion unit - Discover now

fusion equipment
Kjeldahl block digestion in high throughput can be so simple and convenient Kjeldahl block digestion in high throughput can be so simple and convenient

Kjeldahl block digestion in high throughput can be so simple and convenient

Kjeldahl digestors
Efficient Digestion of Samples in Ultra-trace Analysis with the ECOPRE Efficient Digestion of Samples in Ultra-trace Analysis with the ECOPRE

Ultra-trace analysis - digest up to 64 samples in parallel

sample digestion systems

Kjeldahl: Fully Automated Distillation, Titration and Evaluation

Kjeldahl analyzer systems
For convenient filling, draining and cleaning, simply lower the pressure reactor and heater For convenient filling, draining and cleaning, simply lower the pressure reactor and heater

Modular high-pressure reactors - flexible to configure

high pressure reactors

Digestion catalogs

Digestion brochures

Digestion news
