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La sonda Raman ATEX integrada por láser by Hellma
Laser integrated ATEX Raman probe opens new horizons for users and manufacturers
For applications in the chemical, petro-chemical and pharmaceutical industries
Works togehter with almost any Raman spectrometer ✓ Multiple process interface configurations possible ✓ Save operation in potentially explosive areas (ATEX) ✓
multi N/C x300 Serie by Analytik Jena
The TOC/TNb analyzer that really makes your work easier
Automated analyses without sample dilution, long-term stable calibration
Low deployment of staff due to one-year stable calibration and minimal maintenance effort ✓ Short familiarization period thanks to intuitive operation and proven software validation services ✓ Especially low wear and tear for particle-containing samples thanks to unique injection technologies ✓
Data Management Platform by LabV Intelligent Solutions
Turn data into better products
Maximum efficiency in the laboratory with LabV’s AI-powered data management platform
Integration of all data from any device and any IT-infrastructure with patented mapper ✓ From data integration to data exploitation ✓ AI-powered digital assistent ✓