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Buy Thermo Fisher Scientific Process Products

Apreo 2 Scanning Electron Microscope by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apreo 2 SEM: Scanning Electron Microscope with Impressive Resolution Specifications
Unmatched versatility powered by ChemiSEM Technology
High-performance SEM for nanometer or sub-nanometer resolution performance on materials ✓ Extreme flexibility for a wide range of sample types, including insulators, sensitive materials etc ✓ Less time spent on maintenance with an optics system that aligns itself (SmartAlign Technology) ✓

NEXSA by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fully automated, multi-technique surface analysis system to advance your research
Efficient workflows with XPS, UPS, ISS, REELS and Raman spectroscopy
Fast, efficient XPS and other spectroscopies: High sensitivity spectroscopy for small area analysis ✓ Software: Avantage software for data collection, analysis and correlation with electron microscopy ✓ In situ sample processing: NX heater and bias module for advanced experiments ✓

Thermo Scientific™ Gallery™ Discrete Industrial Analyzers by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Automate Your Environmental, Water, Detergent, Food and Beverage Analysis
Save Time and Cost with a Fully Automated, High-Capacity, Benchtop Gallery Photometric Analyzer
Gallery discrete analyzers are easy to use, automated systems that allow laboratories to simplify their testing enabling time and cost savings.
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