Buy Thermo Fisher Scientific Laboratory Consumables For HPLC
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Buy Thermo Fisher Scientific Laboratory Consumables For HPLC

SureSTART Vials and Well Plates by Thermo Fisher Scientific
SureSTART autosampler vials for all chromatography applications and budgets
3 performance level: Easily select products suited to your analytical, performance or value needs
Sample security and low compound adsorption to keep your samples safe and secure ✓ Three distinct performance levels to meet your price and performance needs ✓ Complete instrument compatibility for all chromatography autosamplers ✓

Solvents for LC-MS by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Efficient LC-MS analyses: High-purity solvents for better results
Purified, filtered and sealed for a longer lifetime of your LC-MS column
High purity—processed, filtered, and sealed to help extend LC-MS column life ✓ More choices—solvents and solvent blends to meet a variety of applications and needs ✓ Stable—store for more than one year at room temperature ✓
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