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Buy Products For Stirring

Purchase products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for stirring. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by product category or supplier.
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2mag Magnetic Stirrers Catalogue 2024 by 2mag

Wear-free magnetic stirrers for laboratory and cell culture

Request the 2mag catalogue 2024 with innovative stirring solutions now

The new catalogue is filled to capacity with all technical data and application examples for the established magnetic stirrers as well as the numerous new products

stirring agitators analytica
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Büchi Midipilot by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik

Versatility and precision in stirring, extracting, homogenizing with the MidiPilot glass reactor

Discover the MidiPilot, a versatile glass reactor (15-30 liters) for a wide variety of applications such as stirring, extracting, homogenizing and more.

glass reactors stirring chemical synthesis
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BUCHI CR-SYSTEM by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik

Versatile chemical reactor system for your individual requirements - Discover the advantages of the innovative stirred reactor

Discover the Büchi CR-System stirred reactor (15 ... 250 liters) - a versatile chemical reactor system that can be used for agitation, extraction, pha

reactor systems stirring concentration
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Impulsmischer by Hybrid Chemie

Pneumatic mixer for homogenizing solutions, suspensions and emulsions

Gentle, efficient mixing, regardless of the fill level, even for high viscosities

The impulse mixer makes work easier through simple handling and cleaning ✓ An IBC is homogenized in 5-10 minutes, making it very economical ✓ The impulse mixer is suitable for all mixing tasks ✓

pneumatic mixers stirring collecting tank mixers
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Innovative Magnetic Stirrers by 2mag

Magnetic stirrer of the future - for laboratories and pilot plants

Individually configurable, 100 % wear-free, 3-year guarantee

Inductive wear-free magnetic stirrers, single and multiple positions, submersible up to +95°C and air temperature resistant up to +200°C, 100%

stirring agitators ATEX
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Guardian Hot Plate Stirrer by Ohaus

For the first time a hot plate stirrer thinks about your safety - thanks to "telepathic" abilities

Modernize your lab with outstanding safety and superior performance in mind

Prevents accidents: Heating switches off automatically if you are away from the appliance for too long ✓ Powerful: precise stirring of samples up to 20 litres at 60 - 1,600 rpm and temperatures up to 500 °C ✓ Durable: chemical resistant with market leading overtemperature detection system for the electronics ✓

magnetic stirrers stirring heating stirrers

Buy products for the lab or the production process

2mag Magnetic Stirrers Catalogue 2024

2mag Magnetic Stirrers Catalogue 2024 by 2mag

Wear-free magnetic stirrers for laboratory and cell culture

Request the 2mag catalogue 2024 with innovative stirring solutions now

Büchi Midipilot

Büchi Midipilot by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik

Versatility and precision in stirring, extracting, homogenizing with the MidiPilot glass reactor

glass reactors

BUCHI CR-SYSTEM by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik

Versatile chemical reactor system for your individual requirements - Discover the advantages of the innovative stirred reactor

reactor systems
Guardian Hot Plate Stirrer

Guardian Hot Plate Stirrer by Ohaus

For the first time a hot plate stirrer thinks about your safety - thanks to "telepathic" abilities

Modernize your lab with outstanding safety and superior performance in mind

magnetic stirrers

Impulsmischer by Hybrid Chemie

Pneumatic mixer for homogenizing solutions, suspensions and emulsions

Gentle, efficient mixing, regardless of the fill level, even for high viscosities

pneumatic mixers
Innovative Magnetic Stirrers

Innovative Magnetic Stirrers by 2mag

Magnetic stirrer of the future - for laboratories and pilot plants

Individually configurable, 100 % wear-free, 3-year guarantee

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