Buy Laboratory Spectrometers For Trace Analysis

Purchase laboratory spectrometers the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for trace analysis. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected spectrometers by product category or supplier.

Buy Laboratory Spectrometers For Trace Analysis

Purchase laboratory spectrometers the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for trace analysis. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected spectrometers by product category or supplier.
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contrAA 800 by Analytik Jena

contrAA 800 Series – Atomic Absorption. Redefined

The best of classical atomic absorption and ICP-OES spectrometry are combined in the contrAA 800

Simple and cost-efficient multi-element analysis ✓ High-Resolution Optics: Interference-free analysis and highest precision ✓ Multi Element: One light source for fast-sequential and simultaneous multi-element analysis ✓

ICP-OES spectrometers trace analysis AAS spectrometers
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PlasmaQuant 9100 by Analytik Jena

PlasmaQuant 9100 Series of ICP-OES Instruments

Reveal the Details That Matter

Maximum reliability – unique resolving power with high-resolution optics ✓ Convenience – broad applicability and superior analytical performance ✓ Flexible observation – optimized plasma observation modes without compromises ✓

ICP-OES spectrometers trace analysis analytics
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S2 PICOFOX by Bruker

Fast and precise trace element analysis on the move

TXRF technology for minimal samples and maximum efficiency

Simultaneous multi-element trace analysis, including halogenides ✓ Analysis of smallest sample amounts in the nanogram or microgram range ✓ Simple quantification using an internal standard without daily calibration ✓

total reflection x-ray fluorescence spectrometers trace analysis ultra-trace analysis
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S4 T-STAR by Bruker

TXRF spectrometer: Sub-ppb detection limits & 24/7 analytics

Minimal operating costs because no gases, media or lab equipment are required

The TXRF spectrometer S4 T-STAR offers lowest detection limits in the sub-ppb range ✓ TXRF offers lowest operation costs and does not require gases, media or lab infrastructure ✓ The system is optimized for 24/7 operation in industrial routine analysis ✓

total reflection x-ray fluorescence spectrometers trace analysis ultra-trace analysis
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ZEEnit by Analytik Jena

Zeeman Technology for Maximum Sensitivity – Matching any Analytical Problem

Transverse-heated graphite furnace for optimum atomization conditions and high sample throughput

Fast and reliable trace analysis ✓ First-class user-friendliness even without expert knowledge ✓ Cost efficiency ✓

AAS spectrometers trace analysis atomic absorption spectrometers
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iCAP TQ Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Overcome unexpected interferences, reduce detection limits and improve data quality

Ultralow limits of detection with simplicity - even for the most challenging analytical applications

Unique ease-of-use – Combining user-inspired hardware with intelligent software solutions ✓ Right-first-time results – Allows you to analyze complex matrices with superior limits of detection ✓ Qtegra ISDS Software enables easy implementation of advanced applications ✓

ICP mass spectrometers trace analysis elemental analysis
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iCAP RQ single Quadrupole ICP-MS by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Robust ICP-MS with ease of use and high productivity for routine analysis

A complete multi-element analysis solution for your high-throughput routine laboratory

User-inspired hardware and software maximizes ease-of-use and streamlines workflows ✓ Comprehensive interference removal achieved with the innovative QCell flatapole design ✓ Logical, problem-solving hardware ensures maximum up-time and minimum maintenance ✓

ICP mass spectrometers trace analysis elemental analysis
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