Buy Process Products For Electron Microscopy
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Buy Process Products For Electron Microscopy

Scanning electron microscopy: Flexible systems for research and industry
From benchtop devices to FEG-SEM: customised solutions for precise analyses
SEMs ranging from ultrahigh-resolution, high-end field-emission device to easy-entry desk-top unit ✓ Flexible long-life instruments with easy handling, compact dimensions and excellent data acqisition ✓ Efficient and reliable service solutions and customizable accessories (EDS, WDS, EBSD, GatherX, etc) ✓

HiPace® 80 Neo by Pfeiffer Vacuum
The Most Reliable Hybrid Bearing Turbopump with Laser Balancing Technology
Compact yet powerful turbopumps with pumping speeds of up to 67 l/s for N2
Patented Laser Balancing Technology ✓ Excellent Temperature Management ✓ Compact Design and Smart Functions ✓
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