Buy Laboratory Microscopes For Failure Analysis
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Buy Laboratory Microscopes For Failure Analysis

LUMOS II by Bruker
FT-IR microscopy in the fast lane - the LUMOS II
One infrared microscope for all
Our focus: highest data quality and measurement speed ✓ Simple operating concept: users are trained in minutes ✓ Smart sustainability: does not require any costly consumables ✓

DM6 M by Leica
Upright Material Microscope
All Set and remembered
Motorized high precision 2-gear focus drive ✓ Motorized 6-fold or 7-fold objective nosepiece ✓ Leica DM6 M + software = ideal inspection system for accuracy and repeatability ✓

DM8000 M & DM12000 M by Leica
See More, Detect Faster
High-throughput Inspection Systems
Design prevents dust accumulation, currents, ensuring clean analysis and inspection chambers ✓ Maximum lateral resolution with 150X UV lens ✓ The 0.7X USP objective allows you to see a larger field, reducing analysis time ✓

Emspira 3 by Leica
Inspiring simple inspection
Inspect with a single system
Save time with quick sample identification ✓ Measure and annotate directly during visual inspection without a PC ✓ Get crisp images with less manual effort ✓

DVM6 by Leica
Fast, reliable, and easy to use
Explore in a flexible way ✓ Investigate your samples with ease ✓ Rely on your results ✓

DMi8 A by Leica
Inverted Microscope for Industrial Applications Leica DMi8
See more of your sample
Switch from macro (35 mm) to nano (1 nm) with one click ✓ See more details with unique UC-3D illumination ✓ Intuitive handling for faster work ✓

Apreo 2 Scanning Electron Microscope by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apreo 2 SEM: Scanning Electron Microscope with Impressive Resolution Specifications
Unmatched versatility powered by ChemiSEM Technology
High-performance SEM for nanometer or sub-nanometer resolution performance on materials ✓ Extreme flexibility for a wide range of sample types, including insulators, sensitive materials etc ✓ Less time spent on maintenance with an optics system that aligns itself (SmartAlign Technology) ✓

Scanning electron microscopy: Flexible systems for research and industry
From benchtop devices to FEG-SEM: customised solutions for precise analyses
SEMs ranging from ultrahigh-resolution, high-end field-emission device to easy-entry desk-top unit ✓ Flexible long-life instruments with easy handling, compact dimensions and excellent data acqisition ✓ Efficient and reliable service solutions and customizable accessories (EDS, WDS, EBSD, GatherX, etc) ✓

FT-IR and IR laser imaging (QCL) microscope for research and development
Analyze macroscopic samples with microscopic resolution (5 µm) in seconds
Diffraction limited high sensitivity (FT-)IR microscopy and imaging at maximum speed ✓ Infrared laser imaging in all measurement modes (ATR, Transmission, Reflectance) ✓ Coherence reduction for artifact free Laser Imaging measurements without sensitivity or speed loss ✓
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