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Buy Products For Metal Analysis

ferro.lyte by Elementar Analysensysteme
Mobile metal analysis: reliable, simple quality control in laboratory quality
Flexible metal testing and identification (PMI) on site
Intuitive operation: Analyses easier than ever ✓ High mobility: Measure anywhere at any time ✓ Precise metal analysis: results in laboratory quality ✓

Supermini200 by Rigaku
Element analysis made easy: compact WDXRF spectrometer for industrial applications
Achieve fast and accurate results with minimal space requirements and advanced technology
The Rigaku Supermini200 packages delivers the WDXRF resolution of a much larger system into a compact, benchtop package. Its powerful software, ease

Metavision-1008i3 by Metal Power Analytical Pvt.
Advanced Accuracy for Diverse Metal Analysis
Segment leading Optical Emission Spectrometer with accurate analyses down to single ppm
Dual Optics Design ✓ Fully CMOS Detectors ✓ Advanced Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen Analysis ✓

NEX QC+ QuantEZ by Applied Rigaku Technologies
X-ray fluorescence system with best price/performance ratio
The Rigaku NEX QC+ QuantEZ is a compact benchtop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) system combining superior performance capabilities with

ECOPRE by AHF analysentechnik
Ultra-trace analysis - digest up to 64 samples in parallel
Discover the advantages of pressure-free digestion
Modular and metal-free system ✓ Compact and flexible, easy handling ✓ Weighing quantities from 0.2 to 5 g ✓

AccuPyc by Micromeritics
The Fastest, Easiest, Most Accurate System for Measurement of True Density
Innovations drive superior speed, accuracy and ease-of-use for solid density measurement
Complete measurements in 20% to 30% less time than any other pycnometer ✓ Easiest operation ever: hinged self-aligning lid, simple touchscreen control and on-screen videos ✓ The most accurate measurement: stable to ±0.025°C, advanced gas modeling and repeatable cell closure ✓

Vanta Max / Vanta Core by EVIDENT
Advanced XRF technology for better decisions
Fast, accurate material analysis for your complex requirements
Highest analytical capabilities ✓ Comfortable for All-Day Testing ✓ Productive Workflow ✓

NEXSA by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fully automated, multi-technique surface analysis system to advance your research
Efficient workflows with XPS, UPS, ISS, REELS and Raman spectroscopy
Fast, efficient XPS and other spectroscopies: High sensitivity spectroscopy for small area analysis ✓ Software: Avantage software for data collection, analysis and correlation with electron microscopy ✓ In situ sample processing: NX heater and bias module for advanced experiments ✓

Whatman™ folded filter papers by Cytiva
Whatman folded filter papers
Convenient folded formats speed up your sample preparation
Convenient stacking and packing options are available ✓ Quadrant: space saving; pyramid/cone: ready to go into the funnel; pleated: reduced filtration time ✓ Fast. Easy. Efficient ✓
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