Buy Liquid Handling Systems

Purchase liquid handling systems the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for the chemical industry. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected liquid handling systems by supplier.

Buy Liquid Handling Systems

Purchase liquid handling systems the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for the chemical industry. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected liquid handling systems by supplier.

Liquid handling systems at a glance

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PromoChrom - Presto by PromoChrom Technologies

New SPE system with 8 channels: Ultimate efficiency in solid phase extraction

Ultra-fast - process 1,000 mL samples in just 10 to 20 minutes

Continuous pumps for sample loading – boost efficiency and resistance to sample particulates ✓ Empty line detection - stops at end of sample and notifies user in case of problems ✓ Pressure monitoring and flow correction - caters to variation in matrix, warns in case of pressure ✓

extraction systems liquid handling systems solid phase extraction systems
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BIOS ANALYTIQUE - Soluciones de Renting y Leasing para laboratorios by Bios Analytique

Specialists in the rental and leasing of scientific equipment for laboratories throughout Europe

Whether you have an unexpected requirement or limited budget, we have the perfect solution for you

Operating Lease (12-36 months) A real flexible offer ✓ Financial or Capital Lease (48-72 months) An all inclusive deal ✓ Extended Purchase (12-72months) When equipment must be part of the company ✓

lab equipment AAS spectrometers atomic absorption spectrometers
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LH-5000 by LABOMATIC Instruments

Capacity meets technology in liquid handling

How to increase your efficiency in drug development

available in 1000 sizes and variations -no compromise on dimension and flexibility ✓ No manual tasks through automated generation ✓ automated eluent and waste management in combination with liquid handling and robotics ✓

liquid handling systems liquid handling platforms liquid handling workstations

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