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Buy Products For Laboratory Digitalization

LabBox by HiTec Zang
Automation made easy for every laboratory
Discover the all-in-one automation solution for greater efficiency
Easy to use - automate your workflows easier than ever before ✓ LabVision software - measure, control and visualise your experimental setup easier than ever ✓ Compatible – conveniently connects devices from different manufacturers ✓

Milli-Q® Services / MyMilli-Q™ by Merck Life Science
Services & Support for Water Purification Systems
Quality Care, Delivered. In Person & Online
MyMilli-Q digital services to simplify system management and monitoring ✓ Maintenance and verification to maintain efficiency ✓ Calibration and Validation for reliable results ✓

Spektralphotometer NANOCOLOR Advance by Macherey-Nagel
The all-rounder for photometric water analysis
Intuitive spectrophotometer for reliable measurement results in daily laboratory routine
Universal – Large spectrum of evaluable test kits ✓ Intuitive – Icon-based menu navigation and barcode technology ✓ Safe – Automatic detection of interfering turbidity ✓

Dynamic Image Analysis in the laboratory
Efficient grain size and shape analysis in the measuring range from 20 µm to 30 mm
Optimum reproducibility with minimum measuring times at the same time ✓ Meets the requirements of ISO 13322-2 for dynamic image analysis ✓ Significant increase in measurements/day due to increased efficiency ✓

Liquid Handler LH 8.1 by KNAUER
Autosampler for LC MS/MS, GC MS/MS - precise, flexible, future-proof
Impressive: loss-free sample introduction with lowest carry-over
Automates complex chromatography tasks through high flexibility ✓ Loss-free sample feed and lowest carry-over values ✓ Ideal autosampler for LC MS/MS or GC MS/MS ✓

XPR-Analysenwaagen by Mettler-Toledo
High-Tech Weighing on a Small Footprint: XPR Analytical Balances
Efficient high-performance weighing with maximum data integrity & no electrostatic charges at all
The Excellence line high-performance analytical balances combine more well-thought-out user benefits than any other. Let unique functions make your laboratory routines easier. Find out just how smart weighing can be!

LAUDA.LIVE - The digital platform for your device management
Comprehensive fleet management options for every LAUDA device - with and without IoT connectivity
Maximize the uptime and reliability of your laboratory devices ✓ Compatible with all common operating systems and mobile devices ✓ State-of-the-art PKI encryption, two-factor authentication (2FA), and access rights management ✓

ACD Spectrus Platform by ACD/Labs
Software for Analytical Data Handling in R&D
Standardized Analytical Data Processing & Knowledge Management
Software to process, analyze, report, and share analytical data of all techniques and formats ✓ Chemically intelligent data analysis, integrated structures, and digital annotation to retain contex ✓ A central searchable database of analytical knowledge for collaborative science ✓

MAQSIMA LAB+|The LIMS - the laboratory information management system - by experts for professionals
The chemistry is right with us - trust in our powerful LIMS software: LAB+
Innovation - successful and efficient through individual configuration of our modules ✓ Partnership - customer-oriented advice as well as comprehensive support for the solution ✓ Quality - highest standard in development as well as in consulting and support services ✓
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See the theme worlds for related content
Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory
The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.

Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory
The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.
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