Buy Laboratory Products For Diagnostics

Purchase laboratory products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for diagnostics. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by product category or supplier.

Buy Laboratory Products For Diagnostics

Purchase laboratory products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for diagnostics. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by product category or supplier.
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Dursan by SilcoTek

Innovative coating revolutionizes LC analysis

Stainless steel components with the performance of PEEK - inert, robust and cost-effective

Creates metal free inert flow path to minimize unwanted analyte interactions ✓ Increases corrosion resistance ✓ Inertness for frits and other difficult components that cannot be treated by other methods ✓

HPLC accessories diagnostics medical diagnostics
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Milli-Q® IX 7003/05/10/15 by Merck Life Science

Consistent and Reliable Type 2 Pure Water Quality

Reliable Pure Type 2 Water Purification Systems for results reproducibility & Lab productivity

Constant-quality Elix pure water ✓ Mercury-free UV lamps ✓ Greener Alternative Products ✓

ultrapure water systems diagnostics cytology
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Certified reference materials of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre by ERM

Certified reference materials for the analysis of environmental,food,clinical and industrial samples

Certified reference materials (CRMs) provide confidence in the correctness of analytical results

CRMs ensure traceability, demonstrate the competence of laboratories and staff and show the suitability of measurement methods.

diagnostics clinical laboratory diagnostics laboratory diagnostics
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Acura by Socorex Isba

Micropipette Acura Manual – User-Friendly Ergonomics and Superior Performance

Precision instruments ideal for both routine use and high research requirements

Smart and reliable volume adjustment with fine click-stops, single-handed volume setting ✓ High user comfort, light weight and precision digital display visible at all time ✓ Adjustable tip ejector fitting most tips, optimal positionning of large tip ejector button ✓

pipettes diagnostics diagnostic products
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Gekühlte Tischzentrifuge Sigma 4-5KL by Sigma Laborzentrifugen

More space on your laboratory bench – most compact refrigerated centrifuge in its class

Standby feature ECO mode is energy-efficient and reduces noise level

Refrigerated benchtop centrifuge – top performer for high throughput ✓ Energy efficient and silent with automatic standby ECO mode ✓ Temperature setting range from –10 °C to +40 °C ✓

bench top centrifuges diagnostics diagnostic products
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