Buy Products For Carbon Analysis

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Buy Products For Carbon Analysis

Purchase products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for carbon analysis. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by product category or supplier.
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multi EA® 4000 by Analytik Jena

Reliable C/S/Cl solids analysis with multi EA 4000

Simple operation, flexible analysis, stable precise performance

High application diversity (TS, TC, TX, TOC, TIC, EC, BOC) ✓ Low maintenance and low operating costs ✓ Fully automatic solid sampler with high sample throughput ✓

elemental analyzers carbon analysis total organic carbon analysis
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multi N/C by Analytik Jena

Advanced TOC and TNb analysis: Precise measurements in complex matrices

Broad measuring range - even without sample dilution

Standard-compliant Working ✓ Easily measure parameters such as TC, TIC, TOC, POC, NPOC, TNb etc. even in complicated matrices ✓ Reliable and maximum operational safety ✓

TOC analysers carbon analysis total organic carbon analysis
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multi EA 5000 by Analytik Jena

Your Entire C/N/S/X Lab in One Device

New multi EA 5100 simplifies elemental analysis

C/N/S/X analysis without system change ✓ Highest sensitivity ✓ Maximum operation safety ✓

C/N/S/X analyzer carbon analysis AOX analysis
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Metavision-1008i3 by Metal Power Analytical Pvt.

Advanced Accuracy for Diverse Metal Analysis

Segment leading Optical Emission Spectrometer with accurate analyses down to single ppm

Dual Optics Design ✓ Fully CMOS Detectors ✓ Advanced Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen Analysis ✓

optical emission spectrometers carbon analysis arc spark spectrometers
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Generate up to 30 L/min of analytically pure air yourself – for stable baseline GC-FID applications

Increase the sensitivity of your GC-FID analysis while reducing costs

Zero Air Generator ✓ < 0.1 ppm hydrocarbon-free air from compressed air ✓ Stable baselines and higher sensitivity GC-FID ✓

zero air generators carbon analysis total organic carbon analysis
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The Hach TOC family by Hach Lange

Highly accurate TOC analysis, easy handling

Precise, robust, versatile - the TOC analyzers from HACH LANGE

Process analysis - Certified measured value availability of 99.86% ✓ Automated laboratory analysis - Integrated sample changer and TN module integrated in the housing ✓ Manual laboratory analysis - Ready-to-use with pre-dosed reagents ✓

TOC analysers carbon analysis total organic carbon analysis

Buy products for the lab or the production process


Metavision-1008i3 by Metal Power Analytical Pvt.

Advanced Accuracy for Diverse Metal Analysis

Segment leading Optical Emission Spectrometer with accurate analyses down to single ppm

optical emission spectrometers


Generate up to 30 L/min of analytically pure air yourself – for stable baseline GC-FID applications

Increase the sensitivity of your GC-FID analysis while reducing costs

zero air generators
multi EA® 4000

multi EA® 4000 by Analytik Jena

Reliable C/S/Cl solids analysis with multi EA 4000

Simple operation, flexible analysis, stable precise performance

elemental analyzers
multi N/C

multi N/C by Analytik Jena

Advanced TOC and TNb analysis: Precise measurements in complex matrices

Broad measuring range - even without sample dilution

TOC analysers
multi EA 5000

multi EA 5000 by Analytik Jena

Your Entire C/N/S/X Lab in One Device

New multi EA 5100 simplifies elemental analysis

C/N/S/X analyzer
The Hach TOC family

The Hach TOC family by Hach Lange

Highly accurate TOC analysis, easy handling

Precise, robust, versatile - the TOC analyzers from HACH LANGE

TOC analysers
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