Buy C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik Process Products

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Buy C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik Process Products

Purchase process products the easy way: Discover all products from C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik for the chemical industry. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by product category.
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Thinky Mixer ARE-312 by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik

The Thinky ARE-312 planetary centrifugal mixer

Mixing and degassing of pastes and dispersions, e.g. electrode slurries or 3D printing materials

Mixing and degassing of pastes and dispersions within a few minutes ✓ Reproducible results thanks to program-controlled sequences (20 memory slots) ✓ Data recording and control via included software ✓

planetary centrifugal mixer planet mixers
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THINKY ARE-500 by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik

Efficient mixing and degassing in minutes - The revolutionary mixer and disperser without stirrer

The Thinky ARE-500 enables efficient, stirrer-free mixing and dispersing. In just a few minutes, your samples are perfectly mixed. Thanks to the uniqu

planetary centrifugal mixer centrifugal mixers disperser
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Büchi Midipilot by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik

Versatility and precision in stirring, extracting, homogenizing with the MidiPilot glass reactor

Discover the MidiPilot, a versatile glass reactor (15-30 liters) for a wide variety of applications such as stirring, extracting, homogenizing and more.

glass reactors distillation systems distillation units
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BUCHI CR-SYSTEM by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik

Versatile chemical reactor system for your individual requirements - Discover the advantages of the innovative stirred reactor

Discover the Büchi CR-System stirred reactor (15 ... 250 liters) - a versatile chemical reactor system that can be used for agitation, extraction, pha

reactor systems laboratory stirring reactors stirred reactors
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PTC Serie by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik

Modular potentiostats for electrochemical applications

Versatile use for batteries, fuel cells, even with high currents and large areas

Maximum current up to 100 amps ✓ Measurements also possible on large surfaces with high material conversion ✓ Impedance spectroscopy (EIS) with two channels between 1 mHz and 100 kHz ✓

potentiostats electrochemical impedance spectrometer galvanostats
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