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Buy C. Gerhardt Products For Digitalization

Purchase products the easy way: Discover all products from C. Gerhardt for digitalization. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by %facet-links%.
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HYDROTHERM by C. Gerhardt

Efficiency in food analysis: Safe and precise total fat determination made easy

Fully automatic acid hydrolysis in 90 minutes - validated for continuous operation

80% less work for laboratory staff ✓ Closed system - maximum safety and no space required in the fume hood ✓ Work according to the reference method - Validated and reproducible

acid hydrolysis systems digitalization lab automation
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SOXTHERM by C. Gerhardt

Solid-liquid extraction in less than 2 hours

Fully automatic and four times faster than the conventional Soxhlet method

Extract up to 24 different samples in less than 2 hours ✓ Fully automated solid-liquid extraction - high throughput and low workload ✓ Ideal for the determination of fat, PCB, PAH, EOX, pesticides, dioxins, TNT derivatives and many more

Soxhlet-extractors digitalization lab automation
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