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eralab OCM by eralytics
In-house Oil Condition Monitoring Solution
ERALAB OCM offers a range of easy to use, rugged and accurate oil analyzers
The advanced ERASOFT OCM software forms a symbiotic unit with the related eralab OCM analyzers ✓ Efficient collection, analysis and interpretation of oil analysis data in real time ✓ Individual combination of analyzers according to the customer's needs ✓

Vibranivo® 7000 by UWT
Vibration level switch - Liquid fork
The compact and robust solution for safe level monitoring for all types of liquids
Ultra compact and highly precise as well as pressure and temperature resistant - Bright signal LED ✓ Time-saving commissioning - seamless integration - CIP/SIP capability - maintenance-free ✓ Efficient and economical - versatile process connections - simple electrical integration ✓

Data Management Platform by LabV Intelligent Solutions
Turn data into better products
Maximum efficiency in the laboratory with LabV’s AI-powered data management platform
Integration of all data from any device and any IT-infrastructure with patented mapper ✓ From data integration to data exploitation ✓ AI-powered digital assistent ✓

Michell QMA601-LR by Process Sensing Technologies PST
Precise moisture measurement in the sub-ppm range
Robust and highly accurate, ideal for NGL fractionation and LNG liquefaction
Reliable low-range measurement from 0.02 to 100 ppmV ✓ Accuracy of ±0.03ppmV or 10 % of reading ✓ IECEx, ATEX, UKCA, TR CU Ex certified for Exd flameproof, cQPSus certified for explosion proof ✓

La sonda Raman ATEX integrada por láser by Hellma
Laser integrated ATEX Raman probe opens new horizons for users and manufacturers
For applications in the chemical, petro-chemical and pharmaceutical industries
Works togehter with almost any Raman spectrometer ✓ Multiple process interface configurations possible ✓ Save operation in potentially explosive areas (ATEX) ✓

PromoChrom - Presto by PromoChrom Technologies
New SPE system with 8 channels: Ultimate efficiency in solid phase extraction
Ultra-fast - process 1,000 mL samples in just 10 to 20 minutes
Continuous pumps for sample loading – boost efficiency and resistance to sample particulates ✓ Empty line detection - stops at end of sample and notifies user in case of problems ✓ Pressure monitoring and flow correction - caters to variation in matrix, warns in case of pressure ✓
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