Buy Products For Analytical Chemistry

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Buy Products For Analytical Chemistry

Purchase products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for analytical chemistry. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by supplier.
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Eco IC by Metrohm

Ion chromatography - get started now at low cost

Reliable analysis of anions, cations and polar substances

Robust design ✓ Simple operation ✓ Permanently reproducible results ✓

ion chromatographs analytical chemistry anion determination
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ACD Spectrus Platform by ACD/Labs

Software for Analytical Data Handling in R&D

Standardized Analytical Data Processing & Knowledge Management

Software to process, analyze, report, and share analytical data of all techniques and formats ✓ Chemically intelligent data analysis, integrated structures, and digital annotation to retain contex ✓ A central searchable database of analytical knowledge for collaborative science ✓

data management software analytical chemistry analytical software
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