Next Generation DLS Instrument with the Novel Polarisation-separated Backscatter PCCS | NANOPHOX CS
Particle size analysis independent of particle concentration in the nano range
Significant expansion of the concentration range through elimination of multiple scattering
Reliable results with minimal sample preparation effort

Precise Measuring Results in Original Concentrations from 0.5 nm to 10,000 nm
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is commonly used to characterise nanoparticles. However, conventional photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) only gives correct results for singly scattered light. Only transparent dispersion can be measured reliably. With Sympatec’s innovations in the field of DLS, the size analysis is independent of the concentration and even possible up to approx. 40 vol.%. Combining PCS and photon cross-correlation spectroscopy (PCCS) with Sympatec’s polarisation-separated Backscattering, NANOPHOX CS takes the signal quality to a new level. The decoupled intensity patterns of the vertically and parallel polarised laser beams are separately recorded, cross-correlated and evaluated. Disturbing multiple scattering effects are effectively suppressed and time-consuming sample dilution can be avoided, as highly concentrated suspensions or emulsions are measured directly. At the push of a button, the PAQXOS software automatically optimises measurement parameters, checks sample measurability and provides signal quality for orientation during and after measurement.

NANOPHOX CS for analysis of particle size and stability in concentrated suspensions and emulsions with nano particles from 0.5 nm to 10,000 nm

Filling the cuvette with opaque suspensions or emulsions

Acrylic glass, glass, solvent-resistant and micro cuvette

The cuvette is single-handedly loaded into the NANOPHOX. A simple mouse click positions the cuvette automatically and starts the measurement

The measurement signals are reproduced in real time and assessed according to their quality
Request information about NANOPHOX CS now

Particle analyzers: NANOPHOX CS
Next Generation DLS Instrument with the Novel Polarisation-separated Backscatter PCCS | NANOPHOX CS