speedwave Xpert
Innovative top-loader microwave offers ease of use, safety and low operating costs
Berghof Products + Instruments GmbH
Low operating costs - guaranteed unsurpassed service life and warranty also on the vessels
Simple, intuitive operation - No sensor connection, simply open, close and clean vessels
SafePrep - maximum safety Thanks to innovative sensor technology and gas collection system

Temperature and pressure control in all vessels ensure reliable and reproducible digestions
Lowest operating costs, simple use and highest safety characterize Berghof digestion systems - from easy sample preparation in routine analysis up to systems for demanding samples.A key advantage of Berghof microwave digestion systems are the digestion vessels made entirely of acid-resistant TFM-PTFE. Berghof's own production of this fluoropolymer guarantees very high material purity, unrivaled quality, and durability. Berghof includes the vessels in the warranty. As a result, we avoid waste while you benefit from lower operating costs.Non-contact sensors specifically developed for microwave digestions control all sample temperatures and pressures. There is no need for sensor connections, which simplifies operation and controls reactions safely. Other benefits in terms of easy operation and safety include manually operable vessels, easy vessel cleaning, gas collection system to prevent corrosion, easy top loading, robust oven design, intuitive software, etc.

Berghof microwave digestion system speedwave XPERT

Berghof microwave digestion system speedwave ENTRY

Berghof subboiling device distillacid BSB-939-IR

speedwave digestion vessels

speedwave rotor for high sample throughput
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Microwave digestion systems: speedwave Xpert
Innovative top-loader microwave offers ease of use, safety and low operating costs