STJ-Katalog 2016_1
Spectra and more for your analytical lab!

Spectra libraries and accessories for the analytical lab
Choose from more than 120 spectra libraries the right database for your specific applications:
- ATR-FTIR spectra
- Transmission spectra
- Raman spectra
- NIR spectra
Find dedicated spectra databases of Polymers & Additives, Pharmaceuticals, Petrochemcials, HazMats, Forensics, Minerals & Inorganics, and many other industry-specific categories.
All spectra collections are compatible with the search software of most instrument manufacturers.
If you are not happy with your search software, try out for free our new spectroscopy software SpectraGenius. SpectraGenius is very functional & easy to use software for spectra viewing, basic processing and spectra search.
Check out our innovative product line of functional tools for FTIR-Spectroscopy and Microanalysis to ease your daily work in the lab: Starting from sample holders for spectrometers and microscopes, useful sample preparation tools up to multifunctional Diamond Compression Cells for effortless.
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Catalog: STJ-Katalog 2016_1
Spectra and more for your analytical lab!