
AAS spectrometers:


Zeeman Technology for Maximum Sensitivity – Matching any Analytical Problem

Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG

Fast and reliable trace analysis

First-class user-friendliness even without expert knowledge

Cost efficiency


Transverse-heated graphite furnace for optimum atomization conditions and high sample throughput

The ZEEnit 650 P graphite furnace/hydride Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometer and the ZEEnit 700 P compact tandem graphite furnace/flame/hydride spectrometer offer many advantages. Both instruments in the ZEEnit series are equipped with an 8-lamp turret to provide a high analysis capacity Full control: A high-end vision tool with unique image quality allows better observation of the drying phase and droplet deposition in the graphite tube. In addition, an integrated RFID tool identifies the coded lamps fully automatically when they are inserted, sets the operating data and monitors the running times. This excludes the possibility of operator errors! The standards from the known ZEEnit series form the basis for the new features. The "Dual Atomizer concept" makes it easy to change from flame to graphite furnace technique without adjustment by one click in the software. Improvement of the linear working range and optimal sensitivity is guaranteed by the third generation Zeeman technology - a variable magnetic field combined with 3-field technology and dynamic mode.

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AAS spectrometers: ZEEnit

Zeeman Technology for Maximum Sensitivity – Matching any Analytical Problem

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