
Computed tomography systems:


High-Precision 3D Computed Tomography Scanner with Submicron Resolution

Rigaku Europe SE

The nano3DX from Rigaku is a CT scanner (computer tomograph) with submicron resolution.

The parallel beam geometry and the phase retrieval software in combination with a powerful 1200 W X-ray source with rotating anode improve the contrast for soft materials. 

Selectable X-ray anodes such as Cr (5.4 keV), Cu (8 keV), Mo (17 keV) and W allow to optimize the contrast for different sample components.

The best possible voxel resolution of 325 nm and even better can be achieved.

nano3DX Applications:

  • Ideal for soft materials such as biomedical products, life science samples, foam scaffolds, wood, fibres, etc.
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Polymer composite materials
  • Carbon-containing materials

Request information about nano3DX now

Computed tomography systems: nano3DX

High-Precision 3D Computed Tomography Scanner with Submicron Resolution

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