
Inverted microscopes:

DMi8 A

Inverted Microscope for Industrial Applications Leica DMi8

Leica Microsystems GmbH

Switch from macro (35 mm) to nano (1 nm) with one click

See more details with unique UC-3D illumination

Intuitive handling for faster work

See more of your sample

Leica DMi8 A – The Automated Allrounder

The automated Leica DMi8 A is the tool of choice for demanding research applications and for novice operators alike. The automated features help to increase efficiency, create precise and reproducible data, and minimize the risk of errors.

Use the open microscope platform to adapt it to your specific tasks. Leica Microsystems invites you to create your personal version of the Leica DMi8. You have all the functions at your fingertips to stay ahead – and the option to add the components you may require in the future.

Do you have questions about this product or its applications?
Contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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Inverted microscopes: DMi8 A

Inverted Microscope for Industrial Applications Leica DMi8

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