
3D microscopes:



Leica Microsystems GmbH

Explore in a flexible way

Investigate your samples with ease

Rely on your results

Fast, reliable, and easy to use

Investigating various samples with multiple imaging solutions, where each one is dedicated to a certain failure-analysis and research-and-development task, can be complicated.

The DVM6 digital microscope is a versatile solution that helps you gain insights during your sample investigations, stay focused on your work thanks to a convenient operation, and improve reliability of results with reproducible imaging conditions.

When it comes to software, Leica Map Start is the entry level software package of the Leica Map series. It is used for viewing and analyzing surface geometry and surface texture from LAS Montage depthmap images. If you combine Leica Map with the highly intuitive desktop publishing environment, it is the perfect solution for measuring industrial surfaces made by Leica microscopes in laboratories, production facilities and research.

Do you have questions about this product or its applications?
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