Always the right SEM:Characterization of surface structure & elemental analysis for all applications

Image and characterize the latest generation of nanomaterials, reveal intricate biological details, analyse forensic evidence, perform failure analysis, control quality!
SEM is the right tool for a variety of disciplines in science, medicine, engineering and manufacturing. When resolutions in the nm to sub-nm range are required, JEOL scanning electron microscopes hit all modern R&D needs. Thanks to their flexibility with respect to expansion and their outstandingly long service life, JEOL SEMs are the perfect quality assurance and product development solution for industry and academia. From our most powerful flagship Field Emission SEM with the ultimate resolution, magnification, and analytical flexibility, to our easy-to-use entry level Benchtop SEM, JEOL will offer the perfect SEM to suit your applications.
The latest generation of JEOL SEMs incorporate the highest level of intelligent technology. These new-generation SEMs make it easy to acquire data for all specimen types.
Be amazed by the next level of automation for ease of operation and fast, high-res imaging and analysis.
Request information about JEOL SEM Series now

Always the right SEM:Characterization of surface structure & elemental analysis for all applications