Spektralphotometer NANOCOLOR Advance
The all-rounder for photometric water analysis

In the new NANOCOLOR Advance, MACHEREY-NAGEL combines the most important features of our portable compact photometers and high-precision spectrophotometers.
The Advance brings all the advantages of a modern spectrophotometer and combines high-quality results with outstanding ease of use. The icon-based menu navigation and the color 5" touchscreen allow an operation like on your smartphone or tablet.
The integrated barcode scanner guarantees fast and convenient working. Our proven NTU check warns the user in case of interfering turbidity. Easy-to-use quality control functions allow an efficient and accurate control of the measurement value quality.
Over 220 pre-programmed methods and a simply structured menu for programming user specific methods make the NANOCOLOR Advance the ideal instrument for all applications in the field of water and wastewater analysis.
Future-proof interfaces and the network connection round off the package and make the NANOCOLOR Advance ready for the upcoming demands of the digital world.
Request information about Spektralphotometer NANOCOLOR Advance now

Spectrophotometers: Spektralphotometer NANOCOLOR Advance
The all-rounder for photometric water analysis