Laboratory information management systems:
diaLIMS - more than just comprehensive laboratory software
dialog EDV Systementwicklung GmbH
Versatility: For quality assurance, quality management, recipe management and production
Compatibility: diaLIMS speaks your language and that of other IT systems and all devices
Flexibility: On-premise or SaaS in the cloud. As a PC application, web client and app on tablets

Discover some of the outstanding features that make diaLIMS your first choice
diaLIMS, the flexible management system for your laboratory!
The modules of our system offer the right solutions for the areas of analytics, quality assurance and research & development.
Our products are based on the core system diaLIMS, an industry-independent standard software product for professional data management that provides all the necessary LIMS functionalities and also covers the requirements of many other business areas:
For example, accompanying production from incoming goods, batch-orientated production to the finished product and outgoing goods. All in close communication with the ERP system.
Or in the environmental laboratory from sampling planning, carrying out sampling via app, sample receipt, analytics with device connections and test report creation including billing.
R&D with recipe development is another focus of our software.
The system enables the digitalisation of processes and meets all requirements for the documentation of procedures.



Request information about diaLIMS now

Laboratory information management systems: diaLIMS
diaLIMS - more than just comprehensive laboratory software