Pneumatic mixers:


Pneumatic mixer for homogenizing solutions, suspensions and emulsions

Hybrid Chemie GmbH

Pulse mixer for IBC

The patented mixer is unique in its function and represents a unique selling point on the market. The mixing performance is optimized by regulating the bubbles per time and the bubble size. The air guide lance and traverse weigh less than 5 kg, making handling and cleaning very easy. Horizontal and vertical mixing eliminates dead zones and prevents sedimentation. Mixing is independent of the fill level. The mixer mixes up to 5 cm above the floor. Media up to 15,000 mPa.s can be homogenized efficiently. An IBC is stirred in 5-10 minutes. The mixer can be adapted to other container sizes (up to 1,000 m³) and container shapes. The large, rising air bubbles with the smallest surface area prevent the transfer of substances from the air into the medium (no "bubbling"). The impulse mixer is very economical in terms of investment, installation, operation and efficiency.

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Pulse mixer for IBC

Pneumatic mixers: Impulsmischer

Pneumatic mixer for homogenizing solutions, suspensions and emulsions

Hybrid Chemie GmbH
All about Hybrid Chemie

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