Tensíío – The new generation tensiometer for liquid and solid surfaces

Theoretically, building a tensiometer is simple: putting a moveable sample stage underneath a force measuring device. But developing the best-in-class tensiometer is something completely different. It takes more than just using an utterly precise force sensor (which we did) and the sample positioning with the widest dynamic range (which we developed). It takes a change of perspective that focuses on the user and his task – you and your task. It takes the will to make your lab work as convenient, flexible, and time-saving as possible. We believe that Tensíío is that kind of instrument.
Tensíío comes with 15 different approaches of analyzing surface and interfacial tension, wettability, and many other properties of your liquid samples or your solid bodies, powders, or fibers. Each one is carried out automatically using prepared and adaptable programs in the ADVANCE software. Further methods, which can be added anytime later, are being developed as you read this.
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Tensiometers: Tensíío
Tensíío – The new generation tensiometer for liquid and solid surfaces