Smartlab – High-Flux Multipurpose XRD – The Most Powerful Lab-Based XRD Available

Rigaku’s flagship 9kW SmartLab is the most powerful lab-based XRD available and the most powerful option outside of synchrotrons. The high flux, combined with high-resolution, flexibility, range of options and ease-of-use make it the diffractometer of choice for researchers and industrial clients looking for a futureproof, high-end research tool that offers high-throughput analysis across a wide range of application areas. Also available with Rigaku’s patented in-plane arm, the Rigaku SmartLab is the most popular choice for tin film researchers.
Key Features
- High flux – 9kW (3kW also available)
- In-plane arm for thin film analysis (5-axis goniometer)
- HyPix-3000 0D/1D/2D HPAD detector
- CBO optics - fully automated beam switchable CBO-Auto
- SmartLab Studio II software with Guidance
- Wide range of attachments and sample stages with automated recognition
- Automatic alignment
Rotating Anode X-Ray Source
The 9kW fine focus source offers flux approximately 7 times greater than a conventional sealed tube (running at 40kV and 40mA) which allows you to see finer details in shorter measurement times. Furthermore, the latest generation of Rigaku’s rotating anode, the PhotonMax has a lifespan 3 times longer than its predecessor maximizing uptime and minimizing maintenance and cost of ownership.
HyPix-3000 HPAD Detector
The HyPix-3000 multidimensional semiconductor detector:
- Supports 0D, 1D and 2D measurement modes
- Excellent energy resolution to suppress XRF
- Keeps background noise to an absolute minimum
- Wide dynamic range
- Shutterless measurement
- Maintenance free
Measurement Modes/Applications
The SmartLab enables a wide range of measurement modes and applications including:
- Powder
- Stress
- Micro-XRD
- Thin-film
- Reflection/transmission
- Texture
- RDF – Radial Distribution Function
- Residual stress analysis
- Pole figure and ODF – Orientation Distribution Function
- In situ/Operando measurement

Request information about SmartLab now

X-ray diffractometers: SmartLab
Smartlab – High-Flux Multipurpose XRD – The Most Powerful Lab-Based XRD Available