
WDXRF spectrometers:


ZSX Primus III NEXT – High-throughput Tube-Above Wavelength Dispersive XRF Spectrometer

Rigaku Europe SE

 Key Features

  • Tube-above configuration – Increased reliability by reducing the possibility of contaminants on optical components.
  • Extended analytical range – Be to Cm
  • ZSX Guidance software – Same as Rigaku’s flagship XRFs
  • High-speed analysis – Integrating with D-MCA and scheduler function
  • 48-position sample tray
  • Attractive pricing
  • Data sharing

Rigaku’s ZSX Primus III NEXT delivers rapid quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements (down to ppm levels), from Be through Cm, for solid samples — with minimal standards. The newly added digital multi-channel analyzer (D-MCA) increases quantitative analysis throughput by 21%, making it ideal for industrial and process control applications.

Tube-above Optical Configuration

The Rigaku ZSX Primus III NEXT benefits from Rigaku’s unique tube-above configuration, making it the obvious solution for pressed powders. Compared to the more conventional tube-below configuration, the Rigaku’s tube-above configuration eliminates the potential for sensitive optical components to be contaminated, which would lead to distorted analyses, downtime, and the expense required for cleaning.

High-precision Sample Positioning

Using a unique optical configuration, the ZSX Primus III NEXT maintains a constant distance between the sample and detector. This minimizes errors caused by non-flat samples; e.g., fused beads and pressed pellets.

ZSX Guidance Software

ZSX Guidance software streamlines and simplifies instrument operation and the analysis of results, and is the same software used on Rigaku’s flagship instruments, the ZSX Primus IV and IVi. It fully exploits the D-MCA, resulting in much faster analyses. Furthermore, the scheduler function further streamlines routine analysis management (automatic startup + automatic drift correction function).

The software has also been enhanced and includes a function that automatically acquires and displays errors in the analysis values, thereby reliably supporting routine analysis.

The EZ-scan facility allows you to acquire data in minutes, negating the requirement for prior setup. Combined with the powerful SQX fundamental parameters software, it provides the most accurate and rapid XRF results possible. SQX is capable of automatically correcting for matrix effects, secondary excitation effects by photoelectrons (light and ultralight elements), varying atmospheres, impurities and different sample sizes.

Do you have questions about this product or its applications?
Contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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WDXRF spectrometers: ZSX Primus III NEXT

ZSX Primus III NEXT – High-throughput Tube-Above Wavelength Dispersive XRF Spectrometer

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