Solvents for LC-MS
Are you seeing background contamination ions in your mass spectrometry data?

Deliver consistent, reproducible performance with high sensitivity with our LC-MS grade solvents- suitable for all applications and markets using LC-MS and UHPLC-UV instrumentation. New developments created ever-lower analyte detection limits. Our solvents are manufactured using additional purification processes, quality control measures, and packaging innovations, to help reduce the presence of phthalates, PEG (+ other contaminants) and meet the high purity demands of LC-MS. Take advantage of: better detect analytes: even at trace levels, with very low background observed using MS and UV you’ll get better Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) from your analytical peaks; reduce adduct formation: up to 17 metals are tested and reported in our certificates of analysis; a more efficient system: filtered at 0.1 μm helps reduce instrument, column, and check valves clogging; save time and money: our pre-made mobile phases let you focus on other priorities in the lab. Find product certificates of analysis (CoA) and safety data sheets (SDS) quickly with QR codes on the bottle.
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LC solvents: Solvents for LC-MS
Are you seeing background contamination ions in your mass spectrometry data?