IonTamer ToF MS
IonTamer instruments are time-of-flight residual gas analysers (TOF-RGA) for the analysis of gases
Full quantitative chemical analysis in real-time up to ten times per second
Directly integrated in-line into manufacturing process and supporting full remote control
Simultaneous acquisition of full mass spectra at high resolution (masses up to 1200 u/e)

Compact Time-of-flight residual gas analyzer (TOF-RGA) for process analysis
The IonTamer instruments measure continuously and deliver calibrated mass spectra of the full mass range (1 – 1200 u/e) up to 10 times per second. The data is channeled to Spacetek Technology’s user software or to the customer’s process control system via an ethernet interface. This performance opens unprecedented opportunities to control processes and to optimize yield and reliability.
As high-performing residual gas analyzers, the IonTamer instruments detect and monitor contaminants in vacuum systems used in industrial production as well as research and development. They secure production and increase product quality by detecting transient deviations from nominal. Identifying contaminants, the IonTamer instruments ease the locating and repair of disturbances.
All materials used in the IonTamer instruments are compatible with applications in demanding industries, as e.g., the semiconductor industry.
Separation of instrument control electronics and analyzer make measurements in extreme environments possible.

IonTamer PS

IonTamer FA

IonTamer DI
Request information about IonTamer ToF MS now

Residual gas analyzers: IonTamer ToF MS
IonTamer instruments are time-of-flight residual gas analysers (TOF-RGA) for the analysis of gases