Xevo TQ Absolute
A new Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer for Quantification with Absolute power

Ensure you have the confidence in your data to make decisions fast with an instrument that provides Absolute Performance. The Xevo TQ Absolute delivers up to 15x better sensitivity for challenging negative ionizing compounds than the previous product, so you can make decisions quickly and efficiently. With lower electricity consumption, gas consumption, and BTU/hr output, the Xevo TQ Absolute also lessens the need for air conditioning and lowers costs. The reduced footprint of the instrument provides more analytical capability per square foot of lab space by minimizing the LC-MS/MS footprint, enabling laboratory managers to fully optimize their facilities and increase efficiency. The Xevo TQ Absolute has also been specifically developed to deliver consistent robustness and reproducibility, so you can maintain performance and productivity over a longer time period.
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Mass spectrometers: Xevo TQ Absolute
A new Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer for Quantification with Absolute power