
Level measurement technology:


Level and pressure instrumentation for the chemical industry

VEGA Grieshaber KG

Chemically resistant materials for extremely corrosive environments

Reliable process monitoring in safety-instrumented systems (up to SIL3)

Reliable cybersecurity – certified in accordance with IEC 62443-4-2

Shop 1.001 - 5.000 EUR
VEGAPULS 6X: Radar sensor for continuous level measureme ...
VEGASWING 66: Vibrating level switch for liquids under ...
VEGABAR 81: Pressure transmitter with chemical seal
The standardised adjustment structure enables simple ins ...
VEGAPULS 6X: Radar sensor for continuous level measureme ...
VEGASWING 66: Vibrating level switch for liquids under ...
VEGABAR 81: Pressure transmitter with chemical seal
The standardised adjustment structure enables simple ins ...

Sensors for the highest process requirements

Aggressive media, changing temperatures and buildup: VEGA instrumentation for level and pressure meets the high requirements for quality and competitiveness in chemical production. Chemically resistant: VEGABAR pressure sensors Whether faced with high pressure in pipelines, aggressive liquids or abrasive media: VEGA pressure sensors make a significant contribution to improving your processes thanks to their high measurement accuracy, robustness and long-term stability. As robust as they are simple: VEGASWING level switches Level switches of the VEGASWING series stand for reliable, millimetre-precise point level switching, unaffected by changing media, foaming or turbulence. What is more, they are quick to install and easy to maintain. High performance means certainty: VEGAPULS level sensors

VEGAPULS 6X: Radar sensor for continuous level measureme ...


VEGAPULS 6X: Radar sensor for continuous level measurement of liquids and bulk solids

VEGASWING 66: Vibrating level switch for liquids under ...


VEGASWING 66: Vibrating level switch for liquids under extreme process temperatures and pressures

VEGABAR 81: Pressure transmitter with chemical seal


VEGABAR 81: Pressure transmitter with chemical seal


The standardised adjustment structure enables simple ins ...


The standardised adjustment structure enables simple installation, configuration and commissioning of all VEGA sensors.

Request information about VEGAPULS | VEGABAR | VEGASWING now

VEGAPULS 6X: Radar sensor for continuous level measurement of liquids and bulk solids

Level measurement technology: VEGAPULS | VEGABAR | VEGASWING

Level and pressure instrumentation for the chemical industry

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Topic world Sensor technology

Sensor technology has revolutionized the chemical industry by providing accurate, timely and reliable data across a wide range of processes. From monitoring critical parameters in production lines to early detection of potential malfunctions or hazards, sensors are the silent sentinels that ensure quality, efficiency and safety.

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Topic world Sensor technology

Topic world Sensor technology

Sensor technology has revolutionized the chemical industry by providing accurate, timely and reliable data across a wide range of processes. From monitoring critical parameters in production lines to early detection of potential malfunctions or hazards, sensors are the silent sentinels that ensure quality, efficiency and safety.

4 products
1 whitepaper
4 brochures