Die Raptor Polar X Säule
Separate a Wide Variety of Polar Analytes with a Novel Hybrid Stationary Phase

Raptor Polar X Columns: Revolutionizing the LC Analysis of Polar Compounds
Poor retention, low response, complex sample preparation procedures…the analysis of polar compounds historically has posed challenges to both data quality and lab productivity. Now, Raptor Polar X columns—with their novel phase chemistry that blends HILIC and ion-exchange retention on a single ligand—significantly simplify the analysis of these difficult and varied compounds. And, by bonding that unique ligand to superficially porous particles (SPP), Restek has created a phase that retains and efficiently separates a wide variety of polar compounds. The synergy created by these features results in an unparalleled ability to analyze a wide variety of polar compounds, providing a powerful, productive, and versatile tool for LC scientists across many industries.
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LC columns: Die Raptor Polar X Säule
Separate a Wide Variety of Polar Analytes with a Novel Hybrid Stationary Phase