
HPLC accessories:


Metal-Free Liquid Chromatography (LC) with Dursan Bio-Inert Coating

SilcoTek GmbH

Creates metal free inert flow path to minimize unwanted analyte interactions

Increases corrosion resistance

Inertness for frits and other difficult components that cannot be treated by other methods

Dursan coated Instruments
Dursan coated Instruments

Surface Solutions for Reliable and Repetable Liquid Chromatography

A inert flow path is required to manage the complex and reactive sample profiles that are common in today’s fast-paced analytical world. Modern LC systems feature an array of exotic materials to achieve inertness, but they are significantly more expensive than instruments constructed with stainless steel flow path components.
Dursan is a coating for stainless steel that provides equal or better inertness than PEEK along with the robustness of stainless steel. PEEK swells and is not suitable for the pressure conditions required in today’s LC. Dursan is a simple and cost-effective solution for parts requiring inert properties throughout the lab. Dursan enhances chemical compatibilty and is ideal for: Frits, columns, end fittings, pump heads, valves, tubing, vessels and more.

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Dursan coated Instruments


Dursan coated Instruments

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Dursan coated Instruments

HPLC accessories: Dursan

Metal-Free Liquid Chromatography (LC) with Dursan Bio-Inert Coating

SilcoTek GmbH
All about SilcoTek

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Topic world HPLC

HPLC is a key technology in modern analytical chemistry. It enables the separation, identification and quantification of components in complex mixtures with high precision and efficiency. Whether in the analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the quality control of foodstuffs or the examination of biological samples - HPLC is often the method of choice for demanding separation tasks.

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Topic world HPLC

Topic world HPLC

HPLC is a key technology in modern analytical chemistry. It enables the separation, identification and quantification of components in complex mixtures with high precision and efficiency. Whether in the analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the quality control of foodstuffs or the examination of biological samples - HPLC is often the method of choice for demanding separation tasks.

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Topic World Chromatography

Chromatography enables us to separate, identify and thus understand complex substances. Whether in the food industry, pharmaceutical research or environmental analysis - chromatography opens up a treasure trove of information about the composition and quality of our samples. Discover the fascinating world of chromatography!

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Topic World Chromatography

Topic World Chromatography

Chromatography enables us to separate, identify and thus understand complex substances. Whether in the food industry, pharmaceutical research or environmental analysis - chromatography opens up a treasure trove of information about the composition and quality of our samples. Discover the fascinating world of chromatography!

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