Laboratory information management systems:
MAQSIMA LAB+|The LIMS - the laboratory information management system - by experts for professionals

Trust in our 25 years of experience in the development of sophisticated software solutions: LIMS and EHS systems. Our modern LIMS maps all processes in a laboratory efficiently and clearly. The essential feature of our successful LIMS is the individual and precise adaptation of the modules to the daily requirements of the individual laboratory. Our experts from program development and everyday laboratory work continuously develop the system. The basis is the ideal mix of industry expertise and IT know-how to map the processes in the laboratory in a user-friendly manner. This combination of competencies guarantees a powerful LIMS for all laboratory types in the future. Directly linked to the success of our future-oriented and innovative software is its usability. The intuitive user interface and our fully scalable LIMS has standardized interfaces to all common ERP systems. MAQSIMA LAB+ thus meets all regulatory requirements with the individual modules.
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Laboratory information management systems: MAQSIMA LAB+ | Das LIMS
MAQSIMA LAB+|The LIMS - the laboratory information management system - by experts for professionals
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Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory
The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.

Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory
The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.