Cutting Mills - Fast, safe, simple - the right solution for every application!

The Universal Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19 from FRITSCH are ideal for comminution of dry, soft to hard, tough to brittle, fibrous as well as temperature-sensitive materials. Due to the variable speed adjustment between 300-3000 rpm, a fast and effective fine comminution is possible. With the slow-speed Universal Cutting Mill with 50-700 rpm, on the other hand, extremely powerful comminution is achieved even for smaller sample quantities.
Different rotors with various knife geometries, replaceable blades, practical sieve cassettes and a multitude of patented ideas make daily use simple and your work easier.
A particularly effective comminution is achieved by combining the Universal Cutting Mill with a FRITSCH Cyclone separator for sample exhaustion. Your advantages: easier sample feeding, significantly higher throughput, minimised thermal load, enables higher final finenesses - even with materials that are difficult to grind.
Ask our experts and configure the Cutting Mill for your application!
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Cutting mills: PULVERISETTE 19
Cutting Mills - Fast, safe, simple - the right solution for every application!