Battery Cyclers for Cell Characterization: Modularity, Performance and Flexibility
Bio-Logic Science Instruments GmbH
Choose the module that suits your battery: +/-150mA, +/-1.5A or +/-15A max
Eight channels per module, optionally available with impedance spectroscopy
Experiment control, data view, modeling and analysis are all included in one package

High-precision cyclers equipped with measurement techniques that are often only found in research
This line of ultra-precise cyclers offers five current ranges, 18-bit current and voltage resolution, fast bandwidths (rise and fall times), intelligent sampling, interfaces to external devices and temperature probes, among many other high-end features. High accuracy and precision for both control and measurement enable you to perform sophisticated experiments such as dQ/dV or HPC (high-precision coulometry). In conjunction with EIS, the development of the parameters of your batteries can be precisely determined (SOC, SOH, internal resistance Ri). The included software is not just limited to controlling the battery cycler, but can manage every aspect of your experiment from start to finish, including control, advanced analysis and data export. It also ensures that all important battery parameters (e.g. capacity, energy, power, R_app etc.) are automatically processed and displayed directly on your screen. In addition, easy integration into Python, LabVIEW and different MES is possible.

64 channels with 15A each in a 38U rack. Up to 8 channels can be parallelized here to get 120A max.

The smallest rack is 6U high and easily fits on a table or a lab bench.

The 12U rack can be placed on or under a table and is ideal for measuring small batch sizes.
Request information about BCS-900 now

Battery cyclers: BCS-900
Battery Cyclers for Cell Characterization: Modularity, Performance and Flexibility