Mini Vortex Mixers
Your vortex mixer for perfect mixing in any application

Give one of the most important little helpers in your lab an upgrade: the OHAUS Mini Vortex Mixers make everyday mixing even more reliable. Four models (digital and analog) and a wide array of accessories offer all the modes you need: from low speed for gentle mixing to high-speed for vigorous mixing. Handling is as simple as you would expect from a state-of-the-art vortex mixer: a 3-way rocker switch for touch or continuous mode, and arrow keys for time and speed on the digital models.
Unlike most vortex mixers on the market, there are no wear-prone metal springs built into the motor. Instead, their up-to-date design ensures that the OHAUS Mini Vortex Mixers can provide years of reliable service, even when used intensively. The die-cast, powder-coated metal housing is chemical resistant and easy to clean. Thanks to its weight and suction cup feet, your Mini Vortex Mixer will always stay safely in place, even if you happen to let it out of sight.
Excellent quality for a reasonable price – contact us for an offer and upgrade your lab today!
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Mixers: Mini Vortex Mixers
Your vortex mixer for perfect mixing in any application